CCUSG 第7届学术年会邀请函-通知和主题
中国重症超声第七届学术年会(12月3日-4日)以“思考 深耕 精化”为主题,将为大家深入浅出的呈现重症超声的最新发展形势和内涵。为进一步加深和加强广大与会人员对重症超声的理解和运用,会议将邀请重症医学领域众多知名专家做专题报告,对重症医学及重症超声相关最新进展及临床应用进行解读、归纳和展望;对重症超声的基础理论和用于临床面临的各种问题给予导向性讲解。在大会前将举行系列精品培训班,包括重症超声基本培训班、新基础班、国际班、高级重症心脏超声培训班、重症经食道超声培训班、重症超声与重症呼吸培训班、重症超声与重症神经培训班、重症超声与重症消化培训班、重症超声与重症肾脏培训班、重症超声与体外循环培训班、重症超声与重症操作培训班、重症超声与重症儿科血动培训班、重症超声与重症护理培训班、重症超声与重症创伤培训班、重症超声基本应用规范与质控培训班等,内容涵盖重症医学各个亚专科及亚专业,将满足不同专业领域或不同专业背景的多层次学员需求,多个城市线上线下同时举办。
Dear colleagues:
The Seventh China National Critical Ultrasonography Congress, organized by the Chinese Critical Ultrasound Group@Beijing (CCUSG@Beijing) and the Chinese Critical Ultrasound Study Group (CCUSG), will be held in Beijing on December 3rd and 4th, 2022, including both online and offline formats. A series of critical ultrasound training courses will be held concurrently. The academic activities as a whole will bring together domestic experts in critical ultrasound and medical professionals in critical care medicine and related specialties from around the world to engage in academic exchanges and discussions on the most recent developments and most pressing issues in critical care and critical ultrasound.
Under the theme “Thinking, Practicing and Refining,” the Seventh China National Critical Ultrasonography Congress will showcase the most recent advancements and connotations of critical ultrasound in a comprehensive and accessible manner. Many prominent experts will be invited to make special reports to elucidate, summarize, and prospect the latest advances and clinical applications of critical care medicine and critical ultrasound, as well as give oriented explanations on the fundamental theories of critical ultrasound and various problems encountered in clinical practice, in order to deepen and strengthen understanding and application of critical ultrasound. A series of high-quality critical ultrasonography training courses will be launched online and offline simultaneously in different cities prior to the congress, including an introductory training course, an international basic training course, an advanced training course of cardiac echocardiography in critical care, a training course of trans-esophageal echocardiography in critical care, a training course of critical ultrasonography in pulmonary critical care, a training course of critical ultrasonography in neurological critical care, a training course of critical ultrasonography in gastroenterological critical care, a training course of critical ultrasonography in nephrological critical care, a training course of critical ultrasonography in ECMO, a training course of critical ultrasonography in critical care procedures, a training course of pediatric’s critical ultrasonography and hemodynamic, a critical ultrasonography in nursing training course, a training course of critical ultrasonography in trauma, a training course of basic principles of critical ultrasonography and medical quality control, and other fields. The curriculum will suit the needs of multi-level participants from diverse professional fields or backgrounds by covering numerous sub-specialties of critical care medicine.
“Endow each intensive care unit practitioner with the capability of critical ultrasonography and let critical care ultrasound accompany critical care medicine to forge ahead” has always been CCUSG’s vision and mission. In practice, we are committed to developing a Chinese-specific educational system for critical care medicine based on critical care ultrasound. We welcome all colleagues’ active participation to create progress toward a bright future together.
I look forward to meeting you online or in person.
Chinese Critical Ultrasound Group @Beijing
November 16, 2022
思考 深耕 精化
Thinking Practicing Refining
思考是能力,独立思考是超能力,positive thinking,creative thinking,root cause thinking,independent thinking。独立思考最重要,重症超声既为思考奠定基础又增添光彩,独立思考需要具象,重症超声是具象可视的化身,独立思考需要不受嘈杂的影响,重症超声提供自信的力量。无边人际,无限困扰,繁琐末节,海天一色,涛声微微,琴声摇曳,茶香丝丝,无尽思考,无尽的力量,无尽的火花。
深耕是耐力,勤于深耕是强耐力,deep practice,深耕起于耕耘,高于耕耘。在耕耘中细作,在耕耘中发展。重症超声发展过程就是深耕的过程,既推进重症的深耕,又升华重症的深耕;要勤于深耕,精于深耕,勇于深耕,学术的耐性,可见一斑。重症超声的深耕在于勤,又怎一勤字了得。更多的努力,更多的着力,需要更多更强的耐力。波光粼粼,日光婆娑,无尽的田垅,一群勤于深耕的重症人,无尽美好,无尽的勤劳,无尽的耕耘。
Thinking Practicing Refining
Thinking is power, and thinking independently is a superpower. Positive thinking, creative thinking, root cause thinking, and autonomous thinking are all examples of positive thinking. Independent thinking is essential. Critical ultrasonography not only lays the groundwork for thinking but also supplements it. Independent thinking requires concretization. As an incarnation of visualizing concretization, critical ultrasonography assures without the impact of chaos. Endless crowds, unending confusion, and a plethora of minutiae provide us with infinite thinking, power, and spark. We can sense the sea melting into the sky, the sea murmuring, a melodic sound, and a hint of tea perfume among them.
Practice symbolizes endurance. A person who is dedicated to profound practice demonstrates strong endurance. Deep practice is derived from and superior to practice. We work and grow in practice. The development of critical ultrasonography is a process of deep practice; it fosters and sublimates the overall and extended growth of intensive care medicine. To achieve remarkable academic endurance, we must be attentive, skilled, and bold in thorough practice. The intensive practice of critical ultrasonography emphasizes dedication. What kind of attitude and moment may be described by the single word “diligence”? More efforts and more substantial fortifications necessitate longer and more powerful endurance. In the spinning sunlight, the water sparkles. In a seemingly limitless academic subject, intensivists dedicated to deep practice appreciate and cultivate it.
精化是发力,追逐精化是深发力,re-fine,借 winwin 说,finefine 或更贴切,好了更好,精了再精,不只是追求,更是方向。追逐是追求的精化,追和逐之,追而求之,得之不易,得之我幸,不得而得。学术的神殿,终生学习,永续学习,追逐的快乐,持久的幸福。重症超声,追逐精化中已露精华,更在追求精华中,逐鹿发展,重症超声开启重症医学的新精化,进入重症超声精化发展的新时代。
在一群热血重症人的带动下,我们共同领略重症超声,经略血流动力学,体会重症医学,共同开启“思考 深耕 精化”的新篇章,新时代。
Refine is the driving force, and pursuing refinement is our deep motivation. Refine should be understood as fine-fine in a win-win situation. Continuous refinement is more than just pursuit; it is also about direction. Chasing is the refine of pursuing, finding, and obtaining something that, while challenging, can be obtained with fortune and a relieved attitude. Lifelong and eternal study at the temple of academia helps us to enjoy the delight of pursuit and lasting happiness. When pursuing refinement, the essence of point-of-care ultrasound has become visible. Its quick progress has also ushered in a new era of critical care medicine refinement, as it has entered a new period of refining development.
“Independent thinking, deep practice, chasing refinement” means cultivating while thinking, thinking while cultivating, and thinking while refining.
Guided by a group of enthusiastic ICUers, let us comprehend the power of point-of-care ultrasound, grasp the importance of critical care medicine through hemodynamics, and begin a new chapter and period of “thinking, practicing, and refining.”